John Godber


A-Level Peformance Mind Map on John Godber, created by mad-megz165 on 25/04/2013.
Mind Map by mad-megz165, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mad-megz165 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

John Godber
    1. Hull: the town that he worked and lived in.
      1. He spends a lot of time observing people.
        1. By listening to conversations, some of Godbers popular characters were created.
        2. The world around him, his own experiences and the people he meets.
          1. Inspiration from the landscape around him.
            1. Countryside.
              1. The coast.
              2. His career as a teacher greatly influenced him.
                1. Other practioners and writers.
                  1. Alan Ayckbourn.
                    1. Brecht.
                      1. Berkoff.
                    2. STYLE
                      1. language/dialogue is realistic and conversational.
                        1. His focus is working class people.
                          1. Realistic plays, realistic characters.
                            1. Northern background.
                              1. Northern characters.
                                1. Northern issues.
                                2. Comedy.
                                  1. Light and dark humour.
                                    1. Darker sides to humanity and society/ light hearted comedy.
                                    2. Personal comedy.
                                      1. He tried to portray comedy through the familiar.
                                        1. Everyone will relate differently to his plays.
                                        2. No set structure.
                                          1. Bouncers makes you laugh all the way through.
                                            1. Use of comedy has become more subtle/sophisticated and less obvious,
                                            2. Stereotypes.
                                              1. Laughing at the familiar and relating.
                                              2. Social change.
                                                1. Comedy that makes you think and relate.
                                            3. BOUNCERS
                                              1. Godber's most famous and popular play.
                                                1. Inspiration from a club in Pontefract, Yorkshire.
                                                  1. First performed August 1977 in Edinburgh.
                                                    1. Cast and characters.
                                                      1. 4 men who multi-role.
                                                        1. Bouncers.
                                                          1. Lads.
                                                            1. Ladies.
                                                          2. Plot and structure.
                                                            1. Bouncers on the door of a club.
                                                              1. Working class lads and ladies having a night out.
                                                                1. Episodic.
                                                                  1. Bouncers, Lads, Ladies.
                                                                    1. Simple prop change.
                                                                2. SPACE
                                                                  1. Intimate audience actor space.
                                                                    1. Experience action and humour closer.
                                                                    2. Small acting space.
                                                                      1. Bigger the space, slower the action.
                                                                        1. Being on the same level as the audience.
                                                                        2. Basic set and props; house lights always on.
                                                                          1. Makes the audience concentrate.
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