PORTFOLIO 5th evaluation


marina moro navajo
Mind Map by marina moro navajo, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
sandra fernandez
Created by sandra fernandez over 8 years ago
Claudia  Alonso
Copied by Claudia Alonso over 8 years ago
marina moro navajo
Copied by marina moro navajo over 8 years ago

Resource summary

PORTFOLIO 5th evaluation
    1. Reported speech
      1. direct speech
        1. Javier: “this class is boring”
        2. indirect speech
          1. Javier told me that he were bored
          2. taks
            1. Change the statements below from the Direct into Reported Speech. Mind the word order and the tenses.
            2. other verbs
              1. complained
                1. announced
                  1. explained (to)
                    1. promised
                      1. claimed =say
                        1. exclaimed
                      2. Reported song
                        1. one dance by Drake
                          1. That's why I need a one dance
                          2. reported
                            1. She asked me when the next retake IS
                        2. VOCABULARY
                          1. dicionary corner
                            1. Get, make, receive a phone call
                              1. Send, receive, write, have, get an email
                                1. Send, receive, write, get a text message
                                  1. Chat on the internet
                                    1. Type on a keyboard
                                      1. Hear, have, lisen (to) a conversation
                                        1. Chat, talk, speak written, listen to someone
                                          1. Type, write, receive, have, get, send
                                          2. dicionary corner
                                            1. Able ability
                                              1. High higher
                                                1. Long longer
                                                  1. Strong stronger
                                                    1. Believe believer
                                                      1. Choose choice
                                                        1. Decide decision
                                                          1. Describe description
                                                            1. Explain explanation
                                                              1. Practise practice
                                                                1. See sight
                                                                  1. Speak speech
                                                                    1. Think thowt
                                                                  2. VOCABULARY
                                                                    1. deaf sordo
                                                                      1. dumb mudo
                                                                        1. identing
                                                                          1. Social networks (redes socials)
                                                                            1. Networking (usar las redes socials)
                                                                              1. Shaking hands
                                                                                1. Shaking your head
                                                                                  1. Nodding your head
                                                                                    1. Shrugging your shoulders
                                                                                      1. Crossing your fingers
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