Did fouquet deserve his fate


AS-level History (Louis XIV) Mind Map on Did fouquet deserve his fate, created by s_phie5 on 23/02/2014.
Mind Map by s_phie5, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by s_phie5 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Did fouquet deserve his fate
  1. YES
    1. Guilty of corruption
      1. did show off-proves corruption
        1. manipulative character
          1. undermined L.-needs a chief minister
            1. big ego,arrogant, lots of affairs and enemies
            2. NO
              1. 'only as guilty as the others'-wilk=corruption
                1. L.had excessive spending meant he needed loans from Fouquet
                  1. L= jel
                    1. L and C=threatened of F having pubic support
                      1. C=rival and also corrupted
                        1. used as a scapegoat
                          1. uses F to set out his intentions as absolute rular
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