How did the Nazis keep control?


AS level History (Germany in Transition) Mind Map on How did the Nazis keep control?, created by Lily Duffy on 16/06/2016.
Lily Duffy
Mind Map by Lily Duffy, updated more than 1 year ago
Lily Duffy
Created by Lily Duffy over 8 years ago

Resource summary

How did the Nazis keep control?
  1. SS State
    1. The SS was formed in 1925 to act as a bodyguard for Hitler. After the night of the long knives, the SS became responsible for the removal of all opposition to the Nazis
      1. The gestapo was set up in 1933 and could arrest and imprison those suspected o opposing the state
      2. Youth
        1. Teachers had to swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler and join the Nazi teachers league. Lessons began and ended with "Heil Hitler". In each lesson, even maths, Nazi issues were included
          1. Boys joined the Hitler youth and took part in military exercises whilst girls joined the League of german maidens and learnt about motherhood
            1. All other youth clubs were banned
            2. Church
              1. Protestant
                1. In 1933 they set up the Emergency League for those who opposed Hitler
                  1. Many supported Hitler
                    1. Niemoller was arrested
                    2. Catholic
                      1. Hitler broke theconcordat and priests were harassed and arrested.
                        1. Catholic schools and youth groups were closed down
                          1. In 1937 Pope Pius XI made his famous statement "with burning anxiety"
                        2. Economy
                          1. Strength through joy sponsered a wide range of leisure and cultural trips including cruises
                            1. 26 million marks were spent on rearmaments and 37.1 billion marks were invested in works created schemes
                              1. Unemployment was zero by 1939
                                1. However this did not include Jews dismissed from jobs or opponents held in concentration camps
                                2. 7,000 km of autobahns were buillt
                                  1. RAD workers lived in camps and received low pay
                                    1. Trade unions had been banned so workers were controlled by the Nazis
                                      1. By 1939 Germany was going bankrupt
                                      2. Propaganda
                                        1. Propaganda was controlled by Josef Goebbels
                                          1. He made sure that all Jewish books were burnt
                                          2. Non nazi newspapers were closed down
                                            1. No modern art of jazz music was allowed
                                              1. People enjoyed taking part in rallies
                                                1. Radio stations were controlled by the Nazis
                                                2. Women
                                                  1. The Nazis expected women to: Not wear makeup, Was blonde, heavy hipped and athletic, wore flat shoes and a full skirt, did not smoke or go out to work, cooked and cleaned at home
                                                    1. On Hitlers mothers birthday medals were awarded to women with large families
                                                      1. By 1939 there were fewer women working than there had been under the Weimar repulic
                                                        1. When men went out to join the army , women were needed to work
                                                          1. Women were encouraged to keep healthy and wear their hair in a bun or plaits
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