continouos and simple present


basic forms
monica andrea botero
Mind Map by monica andrea botero, updated more than 1 year ago
monica andrea botero
Created by monica andrea botero over 8 years ago

Resource summary

continouos and simple present
  1. Basic form: subject + verb + complement. 3rd person (she, he, and it) is used wit 's' at the end of the verb.
    1. Examples: I study at university, she walks every day in the morning, they read a newspaper.
    2. Negative form: subject + aux ('do' for: I, they, we, and you. 'does' for: she, he, and it) + not + verb + complement
      1. Examples: I do not watch TV, she does not write a letter, they do not talk a lot
      2. Interrogative form: Aux + subject + verb + complement.
        1. Examples: Do I play basketball?, Does she study at college?, Do they wash their hands?
        2. Present continuous: subject + present of the aux 'to be' + continouos of the verb 'to be'
          1. Examples: I am listening to music, she is reading a book, they are cooking dinner.
            1. Negative form: subject + aux 'to be' + not + verb in 'ing' + complement
              1. Examples: I am not having fun, she is not phoning to her mother, they are not drinking alcohol.
              2. Interrogative form: Aux 'to be' + subject + verb in 'ing' + complement.
                1. Examples: Am I taking my lunch?, Is she painting a picture?, Are they eating a sandwish?
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