Freedom - Jimi Hendrix


Hard rock analysis of Freedom
Ellie Humberstone
Mind Map by Ellie Humberstone, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellie Humberstone
Created by Ellie Humberstone about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Freedom - Jimi Hendrix
  1. Dynamics
    1. Overall loud
    2. Rhythm
      1. Guitar
        1. Plays mostly riffs throughout
          1. Underlying riffs in solo's
          2. Drums
            1. Drum fills
            2. Many different rhythms plying different accented beats
            3. Structure
              1. Strophic/Verse Chorus form
              2. Melody/Metre
                1. 4/4
                  1. Lead vocals sing melody in verse
                    1. Backing vocals sing main melody in verse with improv from lead vocals
                    2. Instrumentation
                      1. Piano
                        1. Guitar
                          1. Lead Electric Guitar
                            1. Electric Rhythm Guitar
                              1. Panning between in some parts of song
                              2. Bass guitar
                              3. Drums/Percussion
                                1. Hi-hat
                                  1. Bass Drum
                                    1. Snare
                                    2. Vocals
                                      1. Lead Male vocals
                                        1. Backing male vocals
                                      2. Texture
                                        1. Contrapuntal
                                          1. Especially between guitars
                                        2. Harmony
                                          1. Backing Vocals
                                            1. Mostly in chorus'
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