Global Business Opportunities


Business Studies Mind Map on Global Business Opportunities, created by maddiemurchie23 on 26/04/2013.
Mind Map by maddiemurchie23, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maddiemurchie23 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Global Business Opportunities
  1. Reasons for more international opportunities
    1. Reduction in trade barriers
      1. ICT
        1. Improved transportation/GPS
          1. Increased wealth - emerging markets
          2. Opportunities
            1. Sell/export
              1. Import supplies
                1. Manufacture overseas
                  1. Companies most able to prosper
                    1. High Technology
                      1. B2B
                        1. Service sector
                      2. Threats
                        1. More foreign competition in UK
                          1. More competition globally
                            1. Growth of MNCs
                              1. LEDCs depend on MNCs for work
                                1. Low wages
                                2. Profits instead of responsible behaviour
                                  1. Profits to MNCs not communities
                                    1. Spread knowledge and technology
                                      1. Often do community causes
                                        1. Have resources to invest & create jobs
                                      2. Impacts
                                        1. Increased competition
                                          1. Pressure to be big and global
                                            1. Development of 'glocal' brands e.g. McDonalds
                                              1. Glocal - global/local
                                              2. Having to split resources over many markets
                                              3. Globalization - growing inter-dependance between nations and markets - what happens in one country affects us
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