Its difficult to analyse
Shakespeare's female roles as
they were always wrote for
men and so the
characterisations are limited.
This may have prevented him
from delving further into the
She's stuck between two poles. Her brother
and dad say she must protect her virginity
(worth) . However she's convinced her and
Hamlet are in love, though he denies it. Her
family thinks she must be a virgin and a good
mother. Hamlet thinks she's a sexual object
and a deceitful lover. These contradictory
pieces of advice is unfair as there is no mother
there to speak from a woman's experience
and guide her.
Inside, her heart guides her to be loyal to Hamlet. Social times means her
father governs her. She wants to live in both worlds and please both.
When she lies to Hamlet about Polonius not spying on them, she decides
her fate and her loyalty.
If she was married then her husband would rule her. She has no right
to her own body, decisions or relationships. Therefore cannot be
blamed for her actions as she had no choice.
She is forced into
madness as she is
unable to reconcile
with either men so is
forced to suffer with
her decision alone
while feeling guilt and
Hamlet is essentially abusive to her, denying his
love to her and insulting her. She is clearly
crushed by this but has no other choice but to
deny the effect it has on her.
Laertes has an input on her
love life, warning her about
sex and ensuring that she
fears it. This method is cruel
and is another way that
women were defined by
their sexuality.
He talks graphically about her
genitals and how she will
become damaged goods if she
has sex. He turns her into an
erotic object while refusing her
to be a sexual being. Its another
example of how Ophelia is made
to be related to flowers.
Some of the
flowers she
gives out e.g.
rue were used
in ancient
Her madness is a result of the
patriarchal pressure and
oppression she faces. She was
forbidden to have sex. However it's
possible that Hamlet convinced her
that they were in love so
encouraged her to do it for his own
pleasure. This is irresponsible as he
hasn't thought of the implications
this has on a young woman. When
he leaves her, she feels guilty and
used for giving into her sexual
desires as she has been taught that
this is wrong. This crisis is too
much and she goes mad.
Her death is described as being passive. Gertrude says her
clothes pulled her down, as if they had a mind of her ow. Lie
in life, she has not choice in death and its a separate force
that decides her fate like Hamlet or her father in life
She is like a mermaid in death, feminine and sexual.
There is no place for women in the court, they are not
taken seriously.
If her death was a suicide then
it's even more important as she
wasn't allowed freedom over
herself in life so she can make
her own choice in death. Its
reclaiming her ownership over
herself. Its a powerful but
empty move because now she is
stuck in death. The suicide
could be a result of her
madness and not thinking
straight so she got caught in
despair. If it was an accident
then it is a tragedy as she was
She was advised against
marrying Hamlet as it
wouldnt be beneficial for the
family. If she has sex then
she loses her value and her
chances of marriage which is
essentially life and death for
young women then.
Poeple thought that mental
illness made people
physically ill. Ophelia
describes Hamlet as being
She is aware of the
double standards in
society and addresses
these issues to Laertes
as he advices her
against sex but he is
allowed to.