American Revolution


awesome Social Studies Mind Map on American Revolution, created by Mark4396 on 25/02/2014.
Mind Map by Mark4396, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Mark4396 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

American Revolution
  1. The American Revolution Started Because...
    1. The Intolerable acts
      1. No representation in Parliament
      2. The Battles Consisted Of...
        1. Lexington
          1. Had "The Shot Heard Around The World"
            1. First Battle of The American Revoulution
            2. Concord
              1. Second Battle of The American Revolution
                1. British Soldiers Retreated to Boston
                2. Saratoga
                  1. Turning point of the American Revolution
                    1. Embarrassing Defeat for England
                    2. Yorktown
                      1. Final Major Battle of The American Revolution
                        1. France Now on their side
                          1. France Blockaded Supplies to come, and no way for Britain to escape
                            1. On October 19th, 1781, The British Surrendered. This was the final blow.
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