Effective Communication Styles


Mind Map on Effective Communication Styles, created by Jonathan Moore on 11/07/2016.
Jonathan Moore
Mind Map by Jonathan Moore, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Moore
Created by Jonathan Moore over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Effective Communication Styles
  1. 1) Verbal Communication
    1. Communication is done through word of mouth/piece of writing
      1. Objective is to have receiver understand message and provide feedback
        1. Two Types of Verbal Communication
          1. (i) Oral Communication
            1. Spoken words
              1. Face-to-face conversations
                1. Speech
                  1. Video
                    1. Radio
                      1. Influenced by pitch, volume, speed and clarity of speech
                        1. Advantage of Oral communication
                          1. Quick feedback (instant response)
                        2. (ii) Written Communication
                          1. Written signs/symbols
                            1. Printed/hand written
                              1. Email
                                1. Letter
                                  1. Report
                                    1. Memo
                                2. Influenced by vocabulary/grammer used, writing style, precision and clarity of language used
                                  1. Most common form of communication in businesses
                                    1. emails
                                      1. Letters
                                        1. Reports
                                          1. Bulletins
                                            1. Job Descriptions
                                              1. Employee manuals
                                              2. Advantages of Written Communication
                                                1. Can be edited/revised many times before it is sent
                                                  1. Provides a record for every message sent
                                                    1. Can be saved for later study
                                                      1. Gives receiver time to understand and send appropriate feedback
                                                2. 2) Non-Verbal Communication
                                                  1. Wordless messages
                                                    1. Involves
                                                      1. Gestures
                                                        1. Body Language
                                                          1. Posture
                                                            1. Tone
                                                              1. Facial expressions
                                                              2. All about the body language and appearance of the speaker
                                                                1. Appearance
                                                                  1. Hair
                                                                    1. Clothes
                                                                      1. Smell
                                                                        1. Surroundings
                                                                        2. Sounds
                                                                          1. Tone of voice
                                                                            1. Volume
                                                                              1. Speed
                                                                              2. Body Language
                                                                                1. Facial expressions
                                                                                  1. Gestures
                                                                                    1. Posture
                                                                                2. Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through speech, signals writing or behaviour
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