Gerald Croft


Exploring the character of Gerald Croft
Mind Map by KCZ, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KCZ almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Gerald Croft
  1. Upper class fiancé of Sheila Birling


    • "from an old country family"
    1. Son of Mr B's business rival
      1. Social superior
      2. Traditional


        • "young women ought to be protected"
      3. Outlook
        1. Similar to that of Mrs B's
          1. Agrees to action taken on firing Eva
            1. Completely business minded


              • "You couldn't have done anything  else"
            2. Impresses her- good match


              • "well-bred young man-about-town"
              1. Both G and Mr B are more interested in finding out if the Inspector and the girl were real than talking responsibility
            3. The Event
              1. Tries to conceal involvement with Eva Smith
                1. Seems to be genuinely remorseful
                  1. Did not take advantage of her in the same way that Eric did
                    1. Liar


                      • "I wasn't telling you a complete lie"
                    2. Makes it clear that they both understood it would be short term affair
                      1. Least to blame?
                        1. He was in control of the events though
                          1. He thinks he's done nothing wrong
                            1. she "didn't blame me"
                              1. Inspector isn't too harsh as he had "affection" for her
                          2. Shows the clearest head at the end
                            1. first to question the Inspector
                              1. Rings up
                                1. First to use the word "hoax"
                              2. At the end he seems to have gone back to his old ways
                                1. No longer romorseful
                                  1. Thinks Sheila should just accept the ring again.
                                2. Themes
                                  1. Young and Old
                                    1. The young can be just as self centred as the old
                                    2. Social Class
                                      1. he treated her badly because she was a lower class
                                        1. only looked after her when it suited him
                                    3. Overall he isn't bad or good
                                      1. Complicated
                                        1. Hypocrite
                                          1. Inspector asks whether he thinks young women should be "protected"
                                            1. Says yes
                                              1. He is the person doing these things to working class peopel
                                                1. No different to Mr Birling
                                            2. He is able to protect his public image from private- unlike Gerald.
                                              1. He's upset when he learns that Eva's dead
                                                1. Gets over it pretty quickly
                                                  1. Could be that this is what Gentlemen are meant to do
                                                2. Others have acted out of greed or malice
                                                  1. He could be motivated by sympathy
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