are problems that affect the entire human population creating a nuisance to the world and its
ecosystems, generating natural hazards or issues
what is it?
are problems that affect the entire human population creating a
nuisance to the world and its ecosystems, generating natural hazards
or issues
what is it?
It is environmental pollution
caused by certain substances and
wastes. Pollution, in this sense,
creates many problems for nature
and for all living beings.
What does it
Environmental pollution has adverse health
effects, ranging from minor irritation to more
serious diseases. Emissions of toxic
substances such as carbon monoxide, sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides and solid particles
accumulate in the body and wreak havoc on
it. Some of them are difficulty breathing, sore
throat, cough, burning eyes and even the
development of respiratory and cardiac
chronic diseases.
bad use of resources.
impact of the misuse of natural
problems such as the use of agro chemicals in
food cultivation, deforestation, soil erosion,
pollution of groundwater and expulsion of
gases that affect the ozone layer.
use of natural
Natural resources are the goods that nature offers us, such as: fauna, flora,
soil and water. Water: use it to wash up, cook food, water the plants. We get
water foods such as fish, shrimp and others. The soil: it is used to grow plants,
develop agriculture, to obtain materials to make: brick, tile; clayey materials
and making ceramics as pots, jars, pots. Flora: the set of plants in a region. It is
used for food, medicine, clothes. Wildlife all the animals in a region. Which
favor the life of man, giving; food, transportation, and contribute to the
development of their daily tasks, such as agriculture, among others.
Moreover, ecosystems may suffer natural
disturbances and human action: natural
disturbances are part of the natural balance
and ecosystems usually recover by restoring
the balance; instead alterations by human
action are more dangerous, are prolonged for
a long time, cover large areas and are usually
irreversible, causing the extinction of species
and alteration of the environment.