E-learning: This is a platform
that provide different types of
courses betthe sites between
people can choose what they
want to learn and acqure
knowledge using virtua way.
B-learning: This is a type of
learning that can be use by
institutions that want to
provide courses in line but at
the same time they need to
be prepare with the enough
technology to cover the
necesities of the students.
C- Learning: It is a learning
acquire from social sites or
virtual classes working in
teams and permit them to
share knowledge.
M- Learning: This type of learning use
different devices like laptops, tables,
apps, multimedia , mobile phones and
help peope to access in the different
sites that they are using just the
internet and the mobile technology.
P- learning: This is the learning that
peeople acquire just by the
pleasure to learn more about
something, accesing to blogs, sites,
or foros, in which the people share
and comments about different
U-learning: This is the learning in
which the students can access by
different channels at the same time.
And is available from different sites
and all time.
T-learning:This is a type
of learning in which
people learn through the
Tv just they need a
digital Tv and connect it,
but not permit interact
with other users.