Conclusions about Language and Culture


Final task for Language and Culture course, UNAD 2016-2 Group 5
Sebastian Benavides Aristizabal
Mind Map by Sebastian Benavides Aristizabal, updated more than 1 year ago
Sebastian Benavides Aristizabal
Created by Sebastian Benavides Aristizabal over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Conclusions about Language and Culture
  1. Languages are in constant change and development
    1. According to Sepora (2012) Language is a symbolic representation of culture
      1. Etnographers have taken and defended the posture that language and culture are from the start inseparably connected (Buttjes 1990) (Ochs & Schieffelin, 1984) (Poyatos, 1985) (Peters & Boggs, 1996)
      2. Neither Language nor Culture are inborn Skills, both are acquired in relation with a people and a society
        1. Languages are a product of societies and communities, a pure expression of their cultural composition
          1. They are not and should not be viewed as a system of rules and structures, but as a living sociocultural expression.
            1. -Language is situated within cultural traditions, expressed in Literature, Films, TV
              1. Non-Verbal communication such as gestures and facial expressions are part of languages as well.
                1. Teaching Culture facilitates tailoring language and adapting according to the audience/listener
                  1. Teaching Culture stimulates student’s interests in language
                    1. Teaching a foreign culture brings awareness of our own culture
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