Main Sourses of Water


4 Main sources of water and their main characteristics
Mind Map by zvega, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zvega over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Main Sourses of Water
  1. GroundWater
    1. Groundwater has fresh water
      1. Groundwater comes from the rain
        1. About a third of Earth´s fresh water is groundwater
        2. Rivers and Lakes
          1. Main Characteristics:
            1. Rivers and Lakes contain fresh water
              1. Only a tiny fraction of fresh water can be found in rivers and lakes.
            2. Ice
              1. Main Characteristics:
                1. Most of Earth´s fresh water is frozen
                  1. Frozen water can be found in icebergs
                    1. From the 3% that is fresh water, about a two thirds is frozen.
                      1. Ice has fresh water
                    2. Oceans
                      1. Main Characteristics:
                        1. Oceans have salt water
                          1. About 97% of the Earth´s water is salt water
                            1. The pacific Ocean is the largest Ocean
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