Roll of Thunder hear my egor


Cambridge IGCSE English Analysis Mindmap Mind Map on Roll of Thunder hear my egor, created by echopbt on 03/03/2014.
Mind Map by echopbt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by echopbt almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Roll of Thunder hear my egor
  1. Setting
    1. White vs Black school
      1. White student bus incident
        1. Disbelief,anger, frustration
        2. 1993
          1. Mississipi
            1. Spokane Country
            2. First day of school
              1. October
          2. Characters
            1. Avery Family
              1. TJ
                1. Thin and weak
                  1. Trouble maker
                    1. Friend with Stacey
                  2. Jeremy
                    1. Logan Family
                      1. Stacey
                        1. Friend with TJ
                          1. Oldest Child
                            1. entering moms class
                              1. sad
                            2. Little man
                              1. "i betcha mama is going to clean you" p10
                                1. Dosent want to get dirty
                                  1. Principled
                                2. Independent
                                3. Big Ma
                                  1. Papas mother
                                    1. 60 years old
                                      1. Runs Logan Family
                                      2. Christopher John
                                        1. Mama
                                          1. Father (Papa)
                                            1. Values independence
                                              1. Works at railstation
                                              2. Cassie/narator
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