Internal Factors, Gender Differences in Achievement


AS Levels Sociology Mind Map on Internal Factors, Gender Differences in Achievement, created by MeganAbigail on 28/04/2013.
Mind Map by MeganAbigail, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MeganAbigail over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Internal Factors, Gender Differences in Achievement
  1. Equal Oppertunities Policies
    1. GIST
      1. Encouraged girls to pursue non traditional careers.
      2. National Curriculum made both sexes study the same things
        1. Kelly
          1. Making science compulsory core education helps equalize opportunities
          2. Boaler
            1. Equal opportunities have removed many barriers for girls so girls who work hard achieve more
          3. Positive role models
            1. Increase in the number of women teachers. These women in positions of authority can act as role models for girls
              1. Has been argued that primary schools have become feminised and this may influence how much girls see schools as their territory
              2. GCSE and Coursework
                1. Goard
                  1. 1988-9 when it increased sharply (gender achievement gap) as GCSE was introduced as was coursework
                  2. GCSE's have also introduced oral assessments which girls are likely to do better in due to their better developed language skills
                    1. Elwood
                      1. Coursework is not the main influence of girls doing better as exams influence final grades more than coursework does
                    2. Teacher Attention
                      1. Swann and Graddol
                        1. Boys tend to get more teacher attention so they speak more but girls get more positive attention as it is work based rather than behaviour based
                        2. Swann
                          1. boys dominate whole class discussion girls prefer pair/group work and are better at listening and co operating
                        3. Challenging Stereotypes in the Curriculum
                          1. Removal of stereotypes from textbooks, reading materials has removed the barrier in girls achievement
                            1. Weiner
                              1. Since the 80's teachers have challenged stereotypes
                            2. Selection and league tables
                              1. Jackson
                                1. High achieving girls are attractive to schools where low achieving boys are not. Creates SFP.
                                2. Slee
                                  1. Boys are unattractive as they are more likely to suffer from behaviour difficulties and are 4x more likely to be excluded
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