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Old Testament Mind Map by Hannah Buck
Mr. House
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10th grade
Mind Map by
Hannah Buck
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Hannah Buck
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Old Testament Mind Map by Hannah Buck
Moses & The Exodus (7)
Moses was born in Egypt to a Hebrew mother
He grew up in Pharaoh's palace
He killed an Egyptian and fled to Midian at age 4o
God called him to go back to Egypt to free the people from Pharah
The Ten Plagues occured
Moses parted the Red Sea with the help of God
Creation (1)
God created light and darkness
God created Water and animals in the water
God created Land and animals on land
God created vegetation
God created man
God rested on the 7th day
The Fall (2)
The serpent tempted Eve to eat off of the TKGE
God told Adam and Eve to NOT eat from the TKGE
Adam also ate the fruit from the tree
Adam and Eve hid from God
They knew they were naked so God provided clothes
God kicked them out of the garden of Eden
Abraham (4)
Abraham's name was originally Abram
Abraham was married to Sarah
Sarah couldn't have kids so they called out to the Lord to have a child
Abraham slept with Sarah's slave to have a son, but that wasn't God's plan
Abraham and Sarah have Isaac at old age
God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and he almost did but then God provided
Jacob/Israel (5)
Jacob stole the birthright from his twin brother Esau
He fled away to his uncle's home and worked for him
He had two wives that were sisters: Leah and Rachel
He had a total of 12 sons
God changed his name to Israel
Jacob later reconciled with his brother Esau
King David (8)
King David was chosen to be the next king after King Saul
David killed Goliath with a slingshot and rock
David was best friends with Saul's son, Jonathan
King David slept with Bathsheba and killed her husband
He was the father of King Solomon
He didn't get to build the temple
Joseph (6)
He was his father's favorite son
His brother's hated him and sold him into slavery
Joseph reconciles with his brothers
Pharaoh promotes Joseph to second in command in Egypt
Joseph was sent to jail and later interpreted Pharaoh's dreams
He worked for Potiphar and his wife accused him of rape
Noah (3)
God called Noah to build an ark
God wanted to destroy human kind because they were too evil
Noah, his wife and his three sons and their wives were on the ark (8 people)
Two animals of each kind came onto the ark
It rained for forty days and forty nights
God made a covenant to never end the world by flood through a rainbow
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