February Revolution


A-Level History (R: 1.2- The collapse of autocracy) Mind Map on February Revolution, created by Declan Wiseman on 25/08/2016.
Declan Wiseman
Mind Map by Declan Wiseman, updated more than 1 year ago
Declan Wiseman
Created by Declan Wiseman over 8 years ago

Resource summary

February Revolution
  1. 14th February
    1. Rodzianko (Duma pres) warns N2 doom
    2. 18th
      1. Putilov Steelworks STRIKE. 5 days-workers join
        1. born in the bread queue
      2. 23rd
        1. Intl Womens Day: women join protestors on streets.
          1. Demand equality, end of war and food
        2. 25th
          1. City strike. Police sympathy for workers
          2. 26th
            1. General Khabalov's plea for martial law could not be printed: breakdown ordinary life
              1. Garrison want to end war: only the old and the injured
            2. 27th
              1. Prov Comm formed
                1. 12 duma members refused dissolve
                2. Petrograd Soviet meets Tauride Palace
                  1. Spoke for workers/troops
                    1. De facto gov: "dual authority" Lenin.
                      1. Plekhanov, not enough proletarian yeast in the peasant dough to make a socialist cake
                    2. 8,000 prisoners freed
                    3. 28th
                      1. Soviet publishes Izvestiya (the Times) delcaring to "wipe out the old system completely"+ Const ass
                        1. N2 return to Petrograd: interecepted, directed to Pskov.
                          1. Stavka generals and duma reps advised him not to return: abdicate, hedid.
                      2. 2nd March
                        1. TSAR ABDICATES
                          1. Grand Duke Michael, brother turned dow
                            1. Prov Comm becomes Prov Gov
                            2. 3rd March
                              1. New gov informs world of revolution
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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