General System Theory Julián Morales


this map explains the general system theory
Julian Morales
Mind Map by Julian Morales, updated more than 1 year ago
Julian Morales
Created by Julian Morales over 8 years ago

Resource summary

General System Theory Julián Morales
  1. What is it?
    1. Model of concepts, which are identified, organized, analyzed and associated
      1. The main use of this theory is discover patterns that can be applied in all types of systems
    2. Where can it be used?
      1. Computers
        1. Nature
          1. Companies
          2. Where it came from?
            1. Theorist were looking for a theory that connect all kinds of systems
              1. Ludwig Von Bertanlanffy developed the General System Theory in 1936, and it was further developed by Ross Ashby in 1955.
            2. Conceps and definitions of this theory
              1. System
                1. Set of steps and elements that work together to achieve a goal
                2. Input
                  1. The parts that are needed for a system to star working
                  2. Proccess
                    1. A series of actions taken in order to achieve a goal.
                    2. Output
                      1. The final elements that are produced by the system
                      2. Goal
                        1. The goal is the output from a system if it's the desired result
                        2. Context
                          1. Finds what has to be done to create a system that achieves a goal
                          2. Feedback
                            1. Information about a system that can be helpful to fix or improve the system
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