A4 - Skye Waulking Song


Information about the Skye Waulking Song for GCSE Music
Mind Map by james.aleksic, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by james.aleksic almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

A4 - Skye Waulking Song
  1. Background Info
    1. Released 2000
      1. Album: Nadurra
        1. Fusion
          1. Waulking
          2. Instrumentation & Texture
            1. Folk Instruments
              1. Uilleann Pipes
                1. Bouzouki
                  1. Wurlitzer
                    1. Accordion
                      1. Whistle
                        1. Bongos
                          1. Congas
                            1. Violin / Fiddle (Plays Tremelo)
                            2. Pop Instruments
                              1. Bass Guitar
                                1. Drum Kit
                                  1. (Guitar)
                                    1. Piano
                                    2. Vocals
                                      1. Gaelic
                                      2. Texture
                                        1. Rhythmic pattern on drums
                                          1. Bass Line
                                            1. Chords on synth and accordion
                                              1. Main vocal melody
                                                1. Countermelodies on other instruments
                                                  1. Heterophonic in instrumental
                                                2. Structure
                                                  1. Vocal Line
                                                    1. Call & Response
                                                      1. Phrase 1, Refrain 1, Phrase 2, Refrain 2
                                                    2. Overall Structure
                                                      1. Introduction (instrumental)
                                                        1. Verse 1 (Voice + Accompaniment)
                                                          1. Verse 2 - As before + instrumental
                                                            1. Coda
                                                    3. Melody
                                                      1. Pentatonic Scale
                                                        1. Uses lower register of voice
                                                          1. Notated in vocal tenor clef
                                                            1. Syllabic
                                                              1. Use of vocables (Nonsense Syllables)
                                                              2. Harmony
                                                                1. G Major
                                                                  1. Diatonic
                                                                    1. 3 Main Chords G, Em, C
                                                                      1. Dominant (D) is avoided, giving modal feel
                                                                        1. First Section Em
                                                                        2. Rhythm & Metre
                                                                          1. 12/8
                                                                            1. Syncopation
                                                                              1. Hi-Hat creates cross rhythms at the start
                                                                                1. Then emphasises 12/8
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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