Annie Besant


A-Level History (India year 12) Mind Map on Annie Besant, created by savanna q on 09/03/2014.
savanna q
Mind Map by savanna q, updated more than 1 year ago
savanna q
Created by savanna q almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Annie Besant
  1. "Freedom without separation"
    1. What home rule meant.
    2. All-India Home rule league was smaller than Tilak's and grew more slowly
      1. But network of committees covered most of the rest of India
      2. Tried to work with Congress and revive it's fortune
        1. But she soon realised that congress was only interested in controlling and suppressing the home rule movement
        2. Joined Tilak's organisation.
          1. Gave public lectures and published pamphlets all around the country
            1. successfully generated agitation amongst the public in a way that Congress had never really tried
          2. Interned (imprisoned without trial)
            1. When freed, she became President of Congress in Dec 1917
              1. Proved inconsistent + ineffective as leader of Congress.
              2. Was crucially reluctant to support any kind of boycott or resistance campaigns.
                1. Resulted in loss of momentum and ultimately failure.
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