Earth Air Fire Water - Art exam


for my art exam i had to create a mind map to link with the theme.
Mind Map by rachaellucy97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rachaellucy97 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Earth Air Fire Water - Art exam
  1. Water
    1. Peace
      1. Clarity
        1. Cleanl
        2. Tranquility
        3. Transformation
          1. blessing
            1. Baptism
            2. Ocean
              1. Sea life
                1. Shells
                  1. Shoals of fish
                    1. Scales
                2. Blue
                  1. Sadness
                  2. Rain
                  3. Earth
                    1. Soil
                      1. Dirt
                        1. Digging
                          1. Treasure
                            1. Gems
                            2. worms
                          2. Plants
                            1. Flowers
                              1. Growth
                                1. Wild
                              2. Camouflage
                                1. Disguise
                                  1. Obscure
                                    1. masked
                                2. Green
                                  1. Jealousy
                                    1. Envy
                                    2. Leaf
                                      1. Life
                                        1. Forest
                                          1. Landscape
                                    3. Fire
                                      1. Combustion
                                        1. Soul
                                          1. Spirit
                                            1. Divinity
                                              1. Re-birth
                                              2. Fireworks
                                                1. Celebration
                                                  1. Festival
                                                    1. Chinese New Year
                                                    2. Destruction
                                                      1. Red
                                                        1. Heat
                                                          1. Burn
                                                            1. Pain
                                                              1. Anger
                                                                1. Hatred
                                                              2. Love
                                                                1. Passion
                                                                2. Warmth
                                                            2. Air
                                                              1. Freedom
                                                                1. Flight
                                                                  1. Birds
                                                                    1. Feathers
                                                                2. Space
                                                                  1. Oxygen
                                                                    1. Wind
                                                                      1. Clouds
                                                                        1. Weather
                                                                          1. Heavnly
                                                                          2. Power
                                                                            1. Destruction
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