General Systems Theory


Teoria General de sistemas
Ana Calderon Castrillon
Mind Map by Ana Calderon Castrillon, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Calderon Castrillon
Created by Ana Calderon Castrillon over 8 years ago

Resource summary

General Systems Theory
  1. A model of set interrelated principles and concepts
    1. Explains an organizations complex entities
    2. Generic
      1. Applicable to many different fields
        1. Solar system
          1. nervous system
            1. Information systems
              1. Network security system
            2. 1936
              1. Ludwig Von Bertanlanffy
                1. Theory that explained all systems across all fields
                  1. Was further
                    1. 1955
                      1. Ross Ashby
                        1. Doctor
                          1. President for the society of General systems research 1962-1964
                  2. Philosopher and biologist
                    1. He wrote the most famous book on the General Systems Theory
                2. Facts
                  1. Systems concepts
                    1. Hierarchy
                      1. State
                        1. Process
                          1. Output
                            1. Goal Directedness
                              1. Input
                                1. System-environment boundary
                                  1. Information
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