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Marketing Aims & Objectives


9999999999999999999999999 Business Studies Mind Map on Marketing Aims & Objectives, created by theLADhimself on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by theLADhimself, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by theLADhimself over 11 years ago
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Resource summary

Marketing Aims & Objectives
  1. Aims
    1. What a business wants to achieve.
      1. Regular business aims include: Survival; make a profit; ethicalities etc.
        1. In a niche market, aims may include: providing an individual service; survive etc.
          1. In a mass market, aims may include: Maximize profits; take out a competitor; improve ethicalities etc.
          2. Objectives
            1. How a business achieves its aims.
              1. Regular business objectives include: Adding solar panels; lowering overheads; advertise on TV etc.
                1. In a niche market, objectives may include: selling a certain brand of clothing; selling to the youth market.
                  1. In a mass market, objectives may include: keeping a distnictive logo, lowering overheads, etc.
                  2. External Factors
                    1. Customer Behaviour
                      1. Competitor Behaviour
                        1. The Economy
                          1. Technology
                            1. Government
                              1. Changes in the Law
                                1. Suppliers
                                2. Internal Factors
                                  1. Market Research Findings
                                    1. Forecasted Sales
                                      1. Forecasted Profits
                                        1. Availability of Finance
                                        2. Advantages of a Mass Market
                                          1. Able to benefit from economies of scale.
                                            1. Less risky, since busines is not dependent upon one small segment of the market.
                                              1. Sales revenues are usually higher.
                                              2. Disadvantages of a Mass Market
                                                1. Increased competition.
                                                  1. Difficult to appeal to individual consumers.
                                                    1. Fixed capital costs are usually high - due to the need for large factories and expensive machinery.
                                                    2. Advantages of a Mass Market
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