Specific Heat Capacity


Mind Map on Specific Heat Capacity, created by a.ceccarelli on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by a.ceccarelli, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by a.ceccarelli over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Specific Heat Capacity
  1. E = m x c x θ
    1. c = E / m x θ
      1. E= energy tansferred in Joules
        1. m = mass in Kg
          1. c = specific heat capacity
            1. θ = the impreture change in °C
      2. Energy needed to raise the tempreture of 1Kg of a substance 1°C
        1. Specific Heat Capacity
          1. Water = 4200 J/Kg°C
            1. Oil = 2100 J/Kg°C
              1. Oxygen = 920 J/Kg°C
                1. Aluminium = 900 J/Kg°C
                  1. Concrete = 850 J/Kg°C
                    1. Copper = 490 /Kg°C
                      1. Iron = 390 J/Kg°C
          2. Tempreture and heat are not the same thing
            1. Temperature is a measure of how hot something is
              1. Heat is a measure of the thermal energy contained in an object
              2. Temperature is measured in °C, and heat is measured in J. When heat energy is transferred to an object, its temperature increase depends upon the:
                1. The mass of the object
                  1. The substance the object is made from
                    1. The amount energy transferred to the object
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