

A Level English Literature (Arcadia) Mind Map on Valentine, created by AndrewZV on 12/03/2014.
Mind Map by AndrewZV, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by AndrewZV about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Voice of modern science
    1. mathematician
      1. Biology postgrad
      2. "The future is disorder.... It's the best possible time to be alive, when everything you thought you knew is wrong."
        1. Lack of possessive pronouns
          1. He is interested in the progress of science, not his own personal gain
            1. Not afraid to be wrong
              1. Contrast to Bernard
          2. "Well, it's all trivial anyway."
            1. "trivial" definitions
              1. Of very little importance or value
                1. Personalities don't matter
                2. Specific, as distinguished from generic (Biology)
                  1. Every variable is equal to zero (Mathematics)
                    1. Derived from the natural source, or of historic origin
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