Iraq Before War


A level History (Middle East) Mind Map on Iraq Before War, created by elenamaymartin on 13/03/2014.
Mind Map by elenamaymartin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elenamaymartin over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Iraq Before War
  1. Iraq in WW1
    1. Iraq has oil so the west was interested in it
      1. Britain wanted to spread influence
        1. landed in Basra (south)
          1. Worked their way up to Baghdad and Mosul by 1917
        2. was ruled by Turkey
          1. Sykes-Picot Agreement
            1. TofV recognized Iraq as under British occupation
          2. Iraq Under a British Mandate
            1. Iraqi nationalists didn't want British
              1. rebelled
                1. British managed to suppress it
              2. Realized they couldn't maintain mandate
                1. Planned to set up an Iraqi state 1921
                  1. Invited Faisal, son of Sharif Hussein of Mecca to be the King
                    1. He led an Arab Revolt against Turks in the war
                    2. Boarders of new state were unclear
                      1. Turkey and Iran attacks
                        1. Not too serious
                      2. Still kept control over somethings
                        1. Foreign policy
                          1. 2 air bases
                            1. Oil
                              1. Iraqi Petroleum Company
                            2. Lasted 35 years
                        2. The end of the Iraqi Monarchy 1958
                          1. during monarchy
                            1. considerable economic development
                              1. Education improved
                                1. Most of population were still landless peasants
                                  1. wide spread discontent due to British Rule
                                2. Resentment to British Rule
                                  1. 1952, convinced Iraqi Petroleum Company to agree profits from oil would be shared equally between Iraq and Britain
                                    1. But company still controlled production prices
                                    2. Israel created
                                      1. Didn't want to be part of the Baghdad Pact
                                        1. to prevent expansion of soviet influence
                                          1. most wanted to be neutral
                                        2. 1958 Army carried out a Coup
                                          1. overthrew the monarchy and established a republic
                                            1. took Iraq out of the Baghdad Pact
                                              1. got control over Oil Companies
                                                1. kept on good terms with Britain but got troops to leave
                                            2. Arab Unity
                                              1. 1960s movement led by Nasser
                                                1. considerable support from Iraq
                                                  1. However military government resisted pressure to join
                                              2. Baathists became more popular
                                                1. called for Arab Unity
                                                  1. mainly supported because they demanded a strong stand in the face of foreign interference
                                                2. Baathists Seize Power 1968
                                                  1. supported by some army officers
                                                    1. Mostly Sunni Muslim
                                                      1. Sunnis had been dominant in Iraq since 1921
                                                        1. Shia Muslims from made up most of the Population
                                                      2. Shia Muslims brought into government to show unity
                                                        1. Increased Army Spending
                                                          1. 1972 took complete control of the Oil Industry
                                                            1. popular move
                                                              1. 1973
                                                                1. Joined other Arab Nations in reducing oil production and sales to the West
                                                                  1. Increased Oil prices by 400%
                                                                    1. $575 million 1972, $26,500 million 1980
                                                              2. Improvements
                                                                1. Electricity into Countryside
                                                                  1. Roads, bridges etc
                                                                    1. People more educated
                                                                      1. Health Care
                                                                        1. Urban Middle Class formed
                                                                          1. Lots of things under State Control
                                                                            1. trade unions
                                                                              1. school
                                                                                1. to immunize them from the west
                                                                                2. sports clubs
                                                                            2. Saddam Hussein and Rule by Terror
                                                                              1. in the 1970s Hussein was in charge of extending government control over the army and secret police
                                                                                1. Lots of spending here
                                                                                  1. stopped threat of opposition by moving people around so they didn't stay in one post for long
                                                                                2. Suppression though society
                                                                                  1. increasing reports of rape and torture of those in prison
                                                                                    1. Kurds in the North lost most of their self government
                                                                                      1. leaders exiled or executed
                                                                                        1. divisions between Sunni, Shia and Kurds became worse
                                                                                    2. Saddam Hussein becomes President of Iraq 1979
                                                                                      1. Started with a televised trial of a number of men, 21 of which were executed
                                                                                        1. was an admirer of Stalin's use of Terror
                                                                                          1. death penalty used for 'political crimes
                                                                                          2. attempts to over throw him
                                                                                            1. major defeats in wars
                                                                                              1. Stayed in power for 25 years
                                                                                            2. Mass expulsions of Shias and Kurds
                                                                                              1. 1980-1, 200,000 Shiites deported to Iran
                                                                                                1. many businessmen whose businesses were then handed over to the government supporters
                                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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