is a visual multimedia
content that consists in
showing continue moving
Kind of Video?
there are two kinds: analog and digital video.
What are the differences between Digital Video and Analog Video?
analog video information is
translated into electrical
pulses while,the digital video
information is translated into
binary format .
What are the format of the digital video?
the format of the digital video
. AVI – Audio Video Interleave
- ASF – Advanced Systems
Format .
MOV or QT Quick time
FLV or SWF – Flash Video
What are the software for playing Digital video?
The software of the Digital video are the mainstream or the relating to a principal widely operating
systems,that have a media player for example:Windows comes with Windows Media Player while OS
X comes with QuickTime Player
Linux distributions may also come with a media players, such as SMPlayer, Amarok, Audacious,
Banshee, MPlayer, Rhythmbox, Totem, VLC, and xine.