Wood and Timber


GCSE DT Mind Map on Wood and Timber, created by Cecile Bullman on 17/03/2014.
Cecile Bullman
Mind Map by Cecile Bullman, updated more than 1 year ago
Cecile Bullman
Created by Cecile Bullman almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Wood and Timber
  1. Uses
    1. Products
      1. Furniture
        1. Paper
        2. Others
          1. Power Source
            1. Heat Source
          2. Renewable source
            1. Softwoods grow quickly
              1. Hard woods grow very slowly
                1. Trees won't run out if they are replanted
                  1. Sustainability
                    1. FSC
                      1. Forest Stewardship Council
                2. Soft Wood
                  1. Inexpensive
                    1. Grows in cool climates
                      1. Fast Growing
                        1. Evergreen
                          1. Timber
                            1. Pine
                              1. Spruce
                              2. 30 Years to grow
                                1. Manufactured Wood
                                  1. MDF
                                    1. Resin and Chips
                                    2. Chipboard
                                      1. Plywood
                                        1. Lots of Layers
                                        2. Hard Board
                                      2. Hard Wood
                                        1. More expensive
                                          1. Grows in hot climates
                                            1. Deciduous Trees
                                              1. Oak
                                                1. Mahogany
                                                  1. Teak
                                                  2. 50-100 Years to grow
                                                  3. Joints
                                                    1. Dowel
                                                      1. Comb
                                                        1. Butt
                                                          1. Lap
                                                            1. Dove Tail
                                                            2. Producing
                                                              1. Finishes
                                                                1. Sandpaper - Glass paper
                                                                  1. Files
                                                                    1. Half moon
                                                                  2. Saws
                                                                    1. Tenon
                                                                      1. Coping
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