Understanding the UK care System


Health and Social Care
Mind Map by launapickles, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by launapickles almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Understanding the UK care System
  1. Stages of Health Care Service
    1. Primary Health Care Services (HCS)
      1. *First contact for the PUBLIC
        1. *Generally in a COMMUNITY SETTING
          1. *Treat everyday illnesses to serious injury and disease
            1. •E.G Doctors GP Surgery
            2. Secondary Health Care Services(HCS)
              1. *More Complex
                1. *Ususally provided in a health care INSTITUTION
                  1. *An individual usually needs treatment because of a DIAGNOSIS
                    1. E.G Hospitals
                    2. Tertiary Health Care Services (HCS)
                      1. *Provided in a community and institution setting
                        1. *Usually for people who are suffering CHRONIC or TERMINAL health care needs
                          1. E.G Hospice, Nursing Home
                          2. STATUTORY - Care services athat HAVE TO BE provided by the law. They are usually provided by public or GOV. *Controlled Care Organisations E.G NHS*
                            1. SOCIAL CARE - Any form of non-medical care that aims to provide support/assistance to vulnerable groups of people
                              1. Types of Health Care Organisations
                                1. STATUTORY
                                  1. *A service that a person has a LEGAL RIGHT to recieve
                                    1. *Funded by the GOV
                                      1. *Usually free to those who are ELIGABLE for services
                                        1. *Usually provided by a public care organisation
                                          1. E.G Emergency care, Social work services
                                          2. PRIVATE
                                            1. *A service available to anybody who can pay for it
                                              1. *Funded by direct client payment or by the client taking out health care insurance
                                                1. *Usually provided by a private practitioner or care business
                                                  1. E.G. BUPA
                                                  2. VOLUNTARY
                                                    1. *A service that is available to people who meet ELIGIBILITY requirements
                                                      1. *Usually free or low cost to service users
                                                        1. *Typically funded by voluntary donations or GOV grants
                                                          1. *Usually provided by a non-profit, voluntary organisations
                                                            1. E.G. MIND, Age Concern
                                                            2. INFORMAL
                                                              1. *Care interventions and support provided by a partner, relative or friend of a person in need of care
                                                                1. *Typically practical, personal or non-technical forms of help or support
                                                                  1. *E.G. Providing Medicine, Going shopping for someone
                                                                  2. ELIBILITY CRITERIA - The requirements or standards that must be met before a person is provided with a care service
                                                                  3. Independent Sector
                                                                    1. The Independent Sector is made up of both the PRIVATE and VOLUNTARY sectors
                                                                      1. They typically offer people non-statutory services
                                                                        1. BUPA
                                                                          1. Opticians
                                                                            1. Chiropodist
                                                                              1. Accupuncture
                                                                                1. Physiotherapist
                                                                            2. The Care System, Care Sectors and the 'Mixed Enonomy Of Care'
                                                                              1. A CARE SECTOR IS A GROUP OF CARE ORGANISATIONS THAT HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON E.G. FUNDING
                                                                                1. INTERAL MARKET - A market in care services that was introduced in the early 1990's to promote competition between statutory & other care providers
                                                                                  1. PURCHASER ORGANISATION - An organisation that commissions or buys care services on behalf of an individual or group of people
                                                                                    1. PROVIDER ORGANISATION - A care organisation that delivers services directly to service users
                                                                                      1. COMMISSIONING - The aquisition or purchasing of care services on behalf of a local population of people
                                                                                      2. The internal market basically allowed for he care of the popualtoion to be passed on to other sectors rather than all the responsibility being on the NHS
                                                                                        1. The government thought this was a good idea because
                                                                                          1. *It created competition between providers
                                                                                            1. *It created choice for purchasers
                                                                                              1. *Cuts cost as providers tried to win contracts
                                                                                                1. *Reduces inefficiency & saves money
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