What does your handwriting say about you?


Segundo Inglés Mapa Mental sobre What does your handwriting say about you?, creado por Enya Bonilla el 27/09/2016.
Enya Bonilla
Mind Map by Enya Bonilla, updated more than 1 year ago
Enya Bonilla
Created by Enya Bonilla over 8 years ago

Resource summary

What does your handwriting say about you?
  1. Personalities
    1. The loooping by "l" & "e" suggest a person Relaxed and Spontaneous. Open mined
      1. Long crosses on "t" suggests someone is Enthusiastic and determined
        1. Short crosses tend to be written by someone crazy
        2. Dot so high abobe the base: the persone's a great imaginator
          1. People write redonded letters: are more creative and Artistics
          2. Personalities
            1. The loooping by "l" & "e" suggest a person Relaxed and Spontaneous. Open mined
              1. Long crosses on "t" suggests someone is Enthusiastic and determined
                1. Short crosses tend to be written by someone crazy
                2. Dot so high abobe the base: the persone's a great imaginator
                  1. People write redonded letters: are more creative and Artistics
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