Protecting Virtual Properties


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Suk Yin Chow
Mind Map by Suk Yin Chow, updated more than 1 year ago
Suk Yin Chow
Created by Suk Yin Chow over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Protecting Virtual Properties
  1. Introduction
    1. scenario
      1. 2-sides of the argument
        1. Your stance
          1. What is included
      2. First argument
        1. Government responsibility
          1. No protection: properties and lives are in danger
            1. Even more crimes
          2. Second Argument
            1. IT crimes are popping up
              1. Arms race is inevitable
                1. Better early than late
              2. Refute: Too difficult to legislate
                1. obstacles
                  1. excuses not acceptable
                    1. Should not give in
                  2. Conclusion
                    1. Lives and properties depend on government
                      1. Need to take action at once
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