4 Ds of Diagnosis


A level Psychology (Clinical) Mind Map on 4 Ds of Diagnosis, created by Niamh C on 29/09/2016.
Niamh C
Mind Map by Niamh C, updated more than 1 year ago
Niamh C
Created by Niamh C about 8 years ago

Resource summary

4 Ds of Diagnosis
  1. Distress
    1. How an individual is negatively affected
      1. May not affect function
        1. Takes individual into account
          1. Takes effect into account
            1. Subjective
            2. Deviance
              1. Statistical Infrequency
                1. Deviation from the population
                  1. Two standard deviations away from the norm
                    1. Objective
                      1. Measurable
                        1. Favour
                          1. Low IQ = Bad High IQ = Good
                          2. Arbitrary cut-off
                            1. Doesn't take function into account
                            2. Norms
                              1. Deviating from social norms
                                1. Not necessarily dangerous, could be seen as eccentric
                                  1. Takes culture into account
                                    1. Subjective
                                      1. Changes over time
                                        1. Varies with context
                                      2. Dysfunction
                                        1. How much a person's everyday life is affected
                                          1. Rosenthal and Seligman: Failure to function
                                            1. Overlaps with other Ds
                                              1. E.g. Suffering overlaps with distress
                                            2. Takes individual into account
                                              1. Can see how treatment works
                                                1. Helps those who need it
                                                  1. Subjective
                                                    1. Hard to measure
                                                    2. Danger
                                                      1. If someone is a danger to themselves or others
                                                        1. Helps those in need
                                                          1. Takes individual into account
                                                            1. Hard to measure
                                                              1. Socially sensitive
                                                              2. All should have a 5th D of duration
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