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The Old Regime
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Mind Map by
Juan Blanco
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Juan Blanco
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
The Old Regime
Systems of goverment
Was the system of government in most Europe in the 18th Century
Monarchs held legislative, judicial and executive power
Merchantilism was the economic policy absolute monarchs were based on
English parlamientarism
In the 17th Century, Britain was tried to be ruled by an absolute monarchy by the King of the Stuart dynasty
This caused conflicts which ended in the English Civil War
Royalities were defeated and Charles I executed
Under the new parliamentary monarchy system, the monarch was not above the law
The Bill of Rights in 1689 , declared certain rights and liberties, including the separation of powers
The Dutch Republic
In 1648, 7 provinces in northern Netherland were named independent, this was the Dutch Republic
They held most of the political power in Europe
Each province had its own parliament
Representatives joined together at the Estates General
Main characteristics
High clergy and low clergy, archbishops,bishops,monks...
High nobility and low nobility, wealthy people, vats lands, special judgements...
Bourgeoisie and the commoners, include doctors, merchants,artisans, pesants... they payed lots of taxes
The agrarian sector
Crop agriculture and livestock farming were the main economic activities of the 18th Century.
Peasants practice subsistence farming
Most of the land belonged to the Nobility and the Clergy
Artisanal activity and trade
Guilds controlled most of the artisanal activities.
The domestic system was a new system of production
Royal factories produced luxury products
Foreign trade increased and some companies were granted trade monopolies
The triangular trade was developed between Africa, Europe and America
The Enlightenment
Enlightenment thinkers
Defended freedom and equaiity
Defended a strong monarchy with respect for civil liberties
Defended the separation of powers
Reason should be applied to all areas of life
Enlightenment despotism
Land: to improve the economy they started using unused lands
Goverment: modernised bureaucracies, strenghtened the central administration....
Education: founding new educational institutions
Natural rights belonged to allhuman beings
Knowledge was the key to happiness, great importance to education
Tolerance was the basis of existence
Enlightened despotism in Spain
The enlightened despotism of Carlos III
Carlos III started a wide-ranging reform that made him the greatest spaniard enlightened despot
He tried to modify Spanish traditional clothing which led to the Esquilache Riots
Esquilache was deposed and Carlos III appointed several spanish ministers which attempted to reform:
The church
Economic development
Economic Societies of Friends of the Country
Carlos IV and the end of the reform
Carlos IV became king in 1788.
The counts of Carlos III were replaced by Manuel Godoy
Spain was in war with revolutionary France and in 1795 they agreed to make peace
In 1805 the British army destroyed the Spanish fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar
He abdicated in 1808 in favour of his son Fernando VII
The War of the Spanish Succession
Early Bourbon rule
Felipe V
He centralized the Spanish administration following the French model
He issued the Nueva Planta decree because the opposition of the Crown of Aragon
Imposed Castillian institutions throughout the country
He tried to recover territories in Utrech
Also recovered italian dukedoms
Spain recovered Naples and Sicily
He created a new figure which was the "Minister"
Fernando VI-1746-1759 (Felipe V successor)
In 1749 the Catastro of Ensenada was a large scale census
Continued with Felipe V reforms
Began in 1701 and finished in 1713 by the Utrecht treaty
Habsburg King Carlos II died without children
Bourbon candidate Philippe, Duke of Anjou
Habsburg candidate, Archduke Charles
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