
Mind Map on INNOVATIVE COMPANIES, created by Nelcy Yohana Infante Chavarro on 06/10/2016.
Nelcy Yohana Infante Chavarro
Mind Map by Nelcy Yohana Infante Chavarro, updated more than 1 year ago
Nelcy Yohana Infante Chavarro
Created by Nelcy Yohana Infante Chavarro about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Management ability to innovate and de competitive
    1. a company should be organized and should always be in the field of innovation
    2. integration
      1. funding
        1. manage company funds weell
        2. management
          1. mechanisms for monitoring companies
          2. metrics
            1. the companies need transformation and innovation
          3. a company must be potentially innovaitive, company dedicated to the evolution of market be havior change constantly
            1. the company must be innovaite and ambitious from the point matrix
              1. transformational
                1. innovate in the market with things that do not yet exist
                2. adjacent
                  1. expancion business to have growth
                    1. for innovation of a company you need to have a balance for each of the sectors
                      1. transformational 10%
                        1. adjacent 20 %
                          1. to a second point of view the core and initiatives must be taken into account more in another percentage level
                            1. core 10 %
                              1. adjacent 20 %
                                1. a company mustbe organized, balanced and should be able to run all three levels
                                2. transformational 70 %
                              2. core 70 %
                          2. core
                            1. optimization of products for costomer satisfaction
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