Evaluation Based on Critical Systems heuristics


mariela osorio padilla
Mind Map by mariela osorio padilla, updated more than 1 year ago
mariela osorio padilla
Created by mariela osorio padilla about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Evaluation Based on Critical Systems heuristics
  1. Toolbox
    1. CSH questions about
      1. sources of motivations
        1. beneficiary
          1. prupose
            1. Measure of success
            2. Sources of expertise
              1. expert
                1. expertise
                  1. guarantor
                  2. sources of legitimaton
                    1. witness
                      1. enmancipation
                        1. worldview
                      2. when to use CSH?
                        1. any purposeful system of interest
                        2. why use CSH?
                          1. boundary judgements
                            1. value judgements
                              1. securing improvement
                            2. Technique
                              1. Identify the system
                                1. Reflect and make note
                                  1. SoI identified
                                    1. focusing on the SoI
                                      1. monological
                              2. Case Study
                                1. identifying the system of interest
                                  1. role of evaluator
                                    1. expert
                                      1. witness
                                      2. level of planing
                                        1. participatory rural appraisal
                                          1. natural resource management
                                            1. botswana range
                                            2. stakeholder groups
                                              1. monological appraisal
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