
Mind map about
Bayram Annanurov
Mind Map by Bayram Annanurov, updated more than 1 year ago
Bayram Annanurov
Created by Bayram Annanurov about 8 years ago

Resource summary
  1. Art Sharing
    1. Advertising
      1. e-Publications
        1. Creating Portfolio
          1. Polls
            1. Journals
              1. Groups
              2. Art Contests
                1. Art-related
                  1. Others
                2. Downloadables
                  1. Stock pictures
                    1. Art tutorials
                    2. 13th largest SN
                      1. 25M members
                        1. > 250M art samples
                          1. 140K submissions / day
                          2. 1 account per artist
                            1. since 2000
                              1. User uploads since2006
                                1. Video uploads since 2007
                              2. > 13M funding
                              3. Legal
                                1. Creative Commons licence
                                  1. CR infringement cases
                                  2. Live events
                                    1. Summits / Exhibitions
                                      1. Word tours
                                        1. deviantMEET
                                        2. Disadvantages
                                          1. No Category check
                                            1. Content filtering
                                              1. Family-firendliness
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


                                            French Intermediate
                                            Rates of Reaction
                                            Evie Papanicola
                                            3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                            Maths Revision
                                            Asmaa Ali
                                            Random German A-level Vocab
                                            Libby Shaw
                                            Marriage and Family Life - Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies Unit 3
                                            How did the Cold War develop?
                                            E A
                                            Macbeth Essay Notes
                                            Mel M
                                            What are they doing?
                                            Tamara Urzhumova
                                            SFDC App Builder 1 (26-50)
                                            Connie Woolard
                                            Specific Topic 7.3 Timber selection
                                            T Andrews