Interpreting & translation


mapa mental de la traduccion e interpretacion en ingles
Carolina Vargas
Mind Map by Carolina Vargas, updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina Vargas
Created by Carolina Vargas over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Interpreting & translation
  1. Interpreting
    1. It is only
      1. Etymology
        1. "Explain"
          1. "Expound"
            1. "Agent Translator"
              1. "Interpretari"
              2. It TRANSFORM
                1. Source Language
                  1. Target language
                2. Skills
                  1. Listening
                    1. Memory
                      1. comunication skills
                        1. organized
                        2. Can be..
                          1. simultaneous
                            1. Consecutevely
                            2. They must, transform
                              1. Idioms
                                1. Phrasal Verbs
                                  1. Etc.
                                2. Translation
                                  1. equivalence
                                    1. Features
                                      1. Faithfulness
                                        1. Equivalence
                                          1. Transparency
                                          2. Process
                                            1. comprehension
                                              1. encoding, identify meaning
                                                1. Re- encoding
                                                  1. same expression in Target Text
                                                    1. units of meaning
                                                      1. word
                                                        1. phrase
                                                2. Tools
                                                  1. lots of... dictionaries
                                                  2. Skills
                                                    1. Deep thoughts
                                                      1. Writting
                                                        1. Reading
                                                          1. comprehension
                                                          2. To CHANGE
                                                            1. Source text to
                                                              1. Target text
                                                            2. etymology
                                                              1. "To bring over"
                                                                1. "Translatus"
                                                                2. Only written
                                                                3. Close disciplines
                                                                  1. Both related to other language
                                                                    1. Be an expert on the language
                                                                      1. Both change from Source Language/ text to Target Language/Text
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