Tools used in technology


Mind map about tools used in technology
Sonsoles Sánchez
Mind Map by Sonsoles Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Sonsoles Sánchez
Created by Sonsoles Sánchez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Tools used in technology
  1. Physical tools (Used in the constuction phase)
    1. To measure, mark, cut, saw, drill, hammer, screw, join, support.
      1. To draw
        1. Pencils, pens, rulers, set square, protractors, compasses.
      2. Computer tools
        1. Word processor
          1. Spreadsheets
            1. Visual Presentations
              1. Graphic Desing
                1. Sketches
                  1. Technical Drawing
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                Tools used in technology
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                Tools used in technology
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                Tools use in technology
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                Tools used in technology
                Maria Elena Marin Hidalgo
                Tools used in technology
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