Gender, Ethnicity, Sexuality, age


Mind Map on Gender, Ethnicity, Sexuality, age, created by michael_rhodes97 on 23/03/2014.
Mind Map by michael_rhodes97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by michael_rhodes97 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Gender, Ethnicity, Sexuality, age
  1. Gender: There are only males within the opening sequence of our thriller film which represents a stereotype that only men are involved in criminal behaviour such as the content within our film. This means that our group has subscribed to general stereotypes of society such as only men being involved in these criminal activities.
    1. Sexuality: Although it is not expressed in our opening, non of the male characters involved in the crimes of our production are gay and thus means we have again subscribed to stereotypes in society where many organised criminals are heterosexual with their sexuality. This is a negative stereotype in the sense that it suggests homosexual men are incapable of being involved in "serious" and bad crimes but crime should not be committed in the first place so there are no aspects of this stereotype that are particularly positive.
      1. Ethnicity: Focusing on the issue of ethnicity, there is evidence within our media text of race distinctions. The top criminal presented in our opening is white and the character who is doing, for better words, "his dirty work" is a black person. This would suggest that the White character as "Boss" is superior to the character of Alex who is black and thus suggests that the distribution of power can originate back to factors such as race where White people are more elevated in positional value than other races. This relates to stereotypes in society where ethnic minorities are on many occasions perceived as less powerful or rightful than middle/upper class white people.
        1. Age: The topic of age within our thriller opening relates to the fact that the actors within the production are teenagers playing characters that are roughly middle age. This again relates to generalisations in society where the people at the bulk of organised and messy crime are middle aged (with the authorities normally white) men in suits who disguise their actions with professional appearance. We also had the younger and more gullible character who did not quite know the consequences of his actions and unfortunately ended up as the victim. This is based on his lack of experience and integrity in the "business" of crime as he is younger than the characters that set him up. This again relates to the idea that in society you will suffer without experience in various fields such as employment and the crime industry.
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