Data Representation MindMap


Has a list of things to revise for data representation topic
Tom Woollin
Mind Map by Tom Woollin, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Woollin
Created by Tom Woollin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Data Representation MindMap
  1. Images
    1. Resolution
      1. Colour Depth
        1. Metadata
          1. File Size
            1. Pixel Density
            2. Sound
              1. Sampling
                1. Bit Depth
                  1. Sample Size
                    1. Analogue converter
                      1. Audio File Size
                      2. Character Sets
                        1. Extended ASCII
                          1. 7 Bits in 128 characters
                            1. 16 Bit = 19 languages avaliable
                              1. UTF-32
                              2. Number Conversion
                                1. Binary-Denary Table
                                  1. Denary-Hexidecimal
                                    1. Binary right shift
                                      1. Binary left shift
                                      2. Storage Sizes
                                        1. Bit
                                          1. Nibble
                                            1. Kilobyte
                                              1. Byte
                                                1. MegaByte
                                                  1. GigaByte
                                                    1. TerraByte
                                                      1. PetaByte
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