Regionalism, crisis prevention and security


Regionalism, crisis prevention and security
Hassive Santiago
Mind Map by Hassive Santiago, updated more than 1 year ago
Hassive Santiago
Created by Hassive Santiago almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Regionalism, crisis prevention and security
  1. Similarities
    1. Cooperation among and coexistence of states
      1. Security policy left to discretion of sovereign states and alliances and organizations to which they belong
        1. Both were once a theater for bloody wars and occupation regimes with millions of victims
          1. Similar analytical content
            1. Common threats
              1. Organized crime
                1. Regional Conflicts
                  1. Fragile States
                    1. Terrorism
                      1. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
                      2. Similar conflicts observed in some Western
                        1. Type: Nationalist, ethno-politicized or religion-inspired transnational movements
                      3. Differences
                        1. Sovereignty of states in Western
                          1. No collective security identity
                            1. Geographic extension and economic growth in Asia bigger and faster
                              1. Convergence of values
                                1. Missing leadership
                                2. Outcomes
                                  1. Eastern Asia
                                    1. Possitive
                                      1. Large territory and great population
                                        1. Strong and sensitive political and economic dynamics
                                          1. Promotion of democracy beyond borders
                                            1. Cooperation successful despite policies
                                            2. Negative
                                              1. Few states but with lots of imbalances in terms of influences and power
                                                1. Impressive growth rates but with low productivity
                                                  1. Socio-cultural and political divergences between states
                                                    1. No functioning institutionalized security order
                                                  2. Western Europe
                                                    1. Possitive
                                                      1. Acceptance of integration
                                                        1. States with democratic governments
                                                          1. Border lines disputes are not a regional issue anymore
                                                            1. Existance of an institutionalized common security order
                                                              1. Convergence of values and shared european identity
                                                              2. Negative
                                                                1. EU internal problems that affect external problems
                                                                  1. Credibility damaged by external democratization
                                                              3. Opinion
                                                                1. I think that it is difficult for Asia to replicate European regional security model first of all because of the lack of shared values and the inexistance of common identity. Second the differences in the political model and rivalries along with the intervention of external actors impede the creation of this common identity and also avoid an effective cooperation and confidence between regional states. As mentioned several times before, Asian countries have to trust each others and they have to be willing to give away some of their sovereignty and give it to common bodies.
                                                                2. Brenda Hassive Santiago Escobar A01335588
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