Holderness Coast


WJEC B Geography case study
Mind Map by emma.dodd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emma.dodd almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Holderness Coast
    1. North east of Britain's coast.
      1. next to the north sea
        1. near the river humber. which passes through hull
          1. County of Humberside
          2. PROCESSES
            1. Long Shore Drift.
              1. long shore drift is the movement of material along the beach in a zigzag pattern
              2. Hydraulic Action
                1. the force of the waves against the coastline/cliffs can cause air to be trapped in crakcs and crevices. the airpressure weakens the cliff and it slowly starts to collapse
                2. Coastal Erosion
                  1. coastal erosion is the wearing away of land and the removal of beach or dune sediments by wave action, tidal currents and wave currents
                3. A costal environment (small-regional scale): the processes affecting this coast, its landforms and the management
                  1. LANDFORMS
                    1. erosional landforms
                      1. Crack - Cave - Arch - Stack - Stump
                      2. Spurn Head Spit
                        1. a spit is made from deposition. 1. waves come in at an angle and so the swash washes the sediment up the beach at an angle. 2. gravity makes backwash and carries it down the beach at right angles (long shore drift). 3. forms a long extended beach. 4. the second most usual wind pushes the end round which then creates a hook
                      3. MANAGEMENT
                        1. Sea Walls
                          1. big tall blocks of concrete with a small curved over top to deflect water
                            1. stops the sea bashing into the coastline and eroding it away.
                            2. Groynes
                              1. Wooden fences built at a right angle to the coastline
                                1. aim to stop the movement of material along the beach due to long shore drfit
                                2. Rock Armour
                                  1. large boulders of 10 tonnes or more are used as a sea wall or as stone groynes.
                                    1. the gaps between the rocks allow water through, which means that the energy of the waves is reduced before hitting the coastline
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