The Conservatives and the Post-war Consensus


A Levels History ('A closer look' notes) Mind Map on The Conservatives and the Post-war Consensus, created by lizzie.lambrou on 25/03/2014.
Mind Map by lizzie.lambrou, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lizzie.lambrou over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Conservatives and the Post-war Consensus
  1. Several sharp policy differences between the parties but broad lines of convergence
    1. The central issue was a mixed economy
      1. Labour had shown they didn't want all-out socialism and accepted private enterprise and capitalism.
        1. Although the Conservatives were quick to denationalise the steel industry and road transport in 1951, they left the rest of Labour's nationalisations alone.
        2. Other key themes
          1. Legacy of national unity and cooperation left by the war - wartime coalition ministers.
            1. Idea of what Nigel Lawson called 'big government' - need for government intervention in social and economic policies.
              1. Importance of maintaining full employment - bitter memories of the 1930s contributed to Labour landslide victory in '45.
                1. Conservatives anxious to avoid been seen once again as the 'party of mass unemployment'.
                2. Importance of trade unions. Unions made stronger during the war and by nationalisation. Conservatives wanted a cooperative relationship.
                  1. Popularity of Labour's welfare reforms, esp. NHS - many Conservatives were much less hostile to the welfare state.
                    1. Conservative majority was slender. Did not feel in a strong enough position to dismantle Attlee's legacy if they'd wanted to. This didn't please the party faithful at grassroots level, many of whom opposed the consensus.
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