Tennyson poems


Mind Map on Tennyson poems, created by willo118_murphy on 26/03/2014.
Mind Map by willo118_murphy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by willo118_murphy almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Tennyson poems
  1. The lotus eaters and choric song
    1. Significant narrative features
      1. Scenes and places
        1. The home of the mariners is not ever actually scene. An island away from society and civilisation. The waterfalls and streams make the place seem like the Garden of Eden. The reference to "A land of streams!" demonstrates connections between places,"And like a downward smoke, the slender stream, Along the cliff to fall and pasue the fall did seem" Shows the water is slowing down - challenging expectations. Rivers are always the dominant feature, rivers sybolise the flow of life and change, but nothing happens or changes o the island.
        2. Point of view
          1. The point of view narrative is third person, emphasis on the dream like state of the poem. We are merely observing the events in the poem. We get an impartial viewpoint,we can decide if Tennyson is sympathising with them or making an exaple of them. "We will return no more" suggests they are tired of fighting and living, the reference to the word "Slave" reinforces this idea that we are meant to sympathise with them.
          2. Additional narrative methods
            1. Destination
              1. The return to a pattern in the rhyme scheme towards the end. There is a question posed about the idea of freewill in the final events "Sow the sead, and reap the harvest with enduring toil"
                1. Time and sequence - the timeframe of the peom is over a very short period of time, time on the island appears almost frozen.
          3. Tithonus
            1. Significant narrative features
              1. Time and sequence
                1. The timesclae is Thithonus reflecting on the huge amount of time Tithonus has spent in this state "many a summer" and "The woods decay, the woods decay and fall" shows he is reflecting and recounting on the response, he is wanting to die.
                2. Scenes and places
                  1. The use of "the woods decay, the woods decay and fall" shows how Tithonus is suffering and slowly fallig apart but never truly dying as the woods can "fall" but Tithonus himself never will.The references to ground and decay are used becuase they are all natual processes wich Tithonus cannot be part of.
                3. Additional narrative methods
                  1. Point of view - the poem is told from the perspective of Tithonus which means that there is a more reflecive account of what he feels "I asked thee. 'Give me immortality'" this is paraphrased and therefore may have not been what he feels and as aresult his integrety as a narrator is questioned.
                4. Mariana
                  1. Significant narrative methods
                    1. Destination
                      1. Overall, th poem is set in chronological order because the only change is the end of the previous day and the start of a new one “the night is dreary”, “dew”, “the day is dreary” and “thick-moted sunbeam” all show time passing. But there is no conclusion to the story, nothing actually changes in the life of Mariana, this makes it seem like there is no cycle to the poem because the story is never concluded or changed.
                      2. Time and sequence
                        1. She neither sleeps nor wakes but is stuck in a permanent dream-like state, blurring the time she is awake or sleeping. A sense or torment is created as her life is being drained "The moon was ver low" shows this passing of time". Confuses the distriburtion of time, she repeats "I am aweary, aweary,I would that I were dead!" at the end of every day which blurrs the days together into unimportant repetitions of the same experiences for her. Makes her stagnation seem stronger.
                      3. Additional narrative methods
                        1. Scenes and places - Tennyson expands upon the “moated grange” in the epigraph and uses adjectives like “broken”, “rusted”, “unlifted” and “weeded” which imply that the house has been abandoned for some time. This is a metaphor for Mariana’s situation as she has been abandoned and left to rot by her lover. There is also evidence of her being stuck in a stagnating limbo like state. The “flitting of the bats” shows us that she is not the only thing in the grange and there is other life there, this shows she is not fully isolated. This image of “night fowl’s crow” contrasts well with the silent and stagnated atmosphere within the house.
                      4. Godiva
                        1. Significant narrative methods
                          1. Point of view
                            1. Aside from the begining, the rest of the tale is written in thrid person. This allows the reader to from their own opinion on whether we can learn from the past. The language is very old fashioned "Oh ay,ay,ay" this clearly separates the poem from modern times. The point of view shows us that Tennyson is experiencing nostalgia for the pas. Even during a period of great scientific advancement, we sould always remember the past. Tennyson represents himself as hanging round with ‘grooms and porters’, maybe showing him in a noble light as he is willing to lower himself to the lower classes, thus linking him with Lady Godiva’s gesture of solidarity. The first person narration also adds a certain personal tint to open the poem; it is something, which Tennyson really feels strongly about.
                            2. Characterisation
                              1. Hair hair is described as "looking like a summer moon" being long is a sign of higher status. She is compared to light to show her actions are good. Her hair could also be a symbole of her eraticism. "And shower'd the rippled ringlets to her knee" shows how seeing her ankle could simply be enough.
                              2. Additional narrative methods
                                1. Voices in the story - Tennyson also uses direct speech, which breathes some life into the characters of the story and makes them seem more like real people. Often in myths and legends we forget that the people in them are actually real. Also allows the reader to sympathise more with Godiva’s cause as we can actually hear exactly what she thinks and says to the Earl. Justifies her trip through Coventry in the nude.
                            3. Ulysses
                              1. Significant narrative methods
                                1. Voices in the story
                                  1. Ulysses has four different voices he uses for different audiences, each stanza makes use of a different voice. The poem is written as a dramatic monologue, stanza 1 shows him ranting to himself about his boredom of staying in one place and his hatred of the tedium of everyday life "Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole". This reveals aspects of his selfish character.
                                  2. Destination
                                    1. The story of the stanzas is uniform and follow directly after each other. The future is mentioned "It may be that the gulfs will wash us down. It may be we shall touch the happy isles" this shows where the narrative is going as his spirit still yearns for new experiences and challenges. This is reinforced byy his desire to reach beyond the tedium of everyday life by the mentions of "Not me" his goals are set and he is ready to achieve them.
                                    2. Additional narrative methods
                                      1. The characterisation of Ulysses is revealed by how he describes his people "I mete and dole unequal laws unto a savage race" Showing his incompetence and disinterest as a ruler. He rather values learning and new experiences "To follow knowledge like a sinking star" more than his own people. HE sees that there is little point in staying home with people he loathes.
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