Before the flood (globalwarming)


The global warming
Sofia Avalos
Mind Map by Sofia Avalos, updated more than 1 year ago
Sofia Avalos
Created by Sofia Avalos over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Before the flood (globalwarming)
  1. People see global warming as something ficticious
    1. A lot of politicians saind that global warming is just a mith. This is because most of the economy is based on products that are produce by anti-echology factories that used fossil fuel.
    2. Threw the years people had been killing species because they didn't know the effect that it had
      1. Extintion of species animals and plants
      2. Most of our echonomic life is based on fosil fuel
        1. This is the principal contaminant on earth because it also produces CO2 wastes affecting the atmosphere and the climate change
          1. To create fuel and electricity we used extreams actions like:
            1. Remove tops of mountains
              1. Afects the ozone layer andcauses: green house effect, el niño, etc.
              2. Eliminate big forests
                1. Melting of the poles
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