Chapter 7


My finished chapter 7 map
Kathryn Boyde
Mind Map by Kathryn Boyde, updated more than 1 year ago
Kathryn Boyde
Created by Kathryn Boyde almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 7
  1. How does memory work
    1. Encoding
      1. The info getting into our bodies in a way that allows it to be stored.
      2. Storage
        1. The info is held in a way that allows it to be retrieved
        2. Retrival
          1. Recalling the info
        3. Processing
          1. Deeper processing = longer lasting memories
            1. Structural
              1. Shallow
              2. Phonemic
                1. intermediate
                2. Semantic
                  1. Deep
                3. Improving Memory
                  1. Elaboration
                    1. Linking Stimuli to other info at time of processing
                    2. Visual Imagery
                      1. The creation of images to represent words to be remembered
                      2. Self-Referent Encoding
                        1. Making info personally meaningful
                      3. Maintaining info in memory
                        1. Analogy
                          1. Info storage in brain
                          2. Information processing theory
                            1. Sensory
                              1. Stimuli are recorded by senses
                              2. Short Term
                                1. Some of this info is processed
                                2. Long Term
                                  1. Info is stored in long term
                              3. Short Term Memory
                                1. Limited Capacity
                                  1. 7 + or - 2
                                  2. Group similar stimuli for storage
                                    1. Lasts about 12 seconds
                                    2. Long Term Memory
                                      1. Permanent storage
                                        1. Explicit Memories
                                          1. Facts and experences
                                            1. Retrieval run by frontal lobe
                                              1. Encoded and stored by the Hippocampus
                                              2. Implicit Memories
                                                1. Memories we are not fully aware of
                                                  1. The cerebellum forms and stores
                                                    1. Basal Gonglia
                                                    2. Auto Processing
                                                      1. Experiences going directly into Long Term Memories
                                                        1. Procedural Memories
                                                          1. Conditioned associations
                                                            1. Info abut time
                                                              1. Info about frequency
                                                              2. Effortful Processing
                                                                1. A way to encode info into long term memory
                                                                  1. Chunking
                                                                    1. Sorting data into manageable chunks
                                                                    2. Mnemonics
                                                                      1. Connecting info to memory strengths like structure
                                                                      2. Massed Practice
                                                                        1. Cramming info all at once
                                                                        2. Self-Reference
                                                                          1. Relating info to ourselves
                                                                        3. Flash Bulb Memories
                                                                          1. Emotionally intense moments that get burned into our memories
                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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