Site do Dr. Albert Louis Rocha Bicalho


Mapa do site do dr. Albert Louis
Romney Batista
Mind Map by Romney Batista, updated more than 1 year ago
Romney Batista
Created by Romney Batista over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Site do Dr. Albert Louis Rocha Bicalho
  1. linguagens
    1. Html
      1. css
        1. php
    2. Ferramentas
      1. frontend
        1. Sublime test
          1. manp
            1. gip
              1. node
                1. brower
                  1. gulp
                    1. sass
                  2. Bakend
                    1. wordpress
                    2. desing
                      1. Photoshop
                        1. bootstrap gir
                      2. seo
                        1. hospedagem
                          1. codigo semantico
                            1. velocidade
                        2. hospedar
                          1. Servidor SSH
                            1. digital ocean
                              1. cloud computin
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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