Task 7 research essay


AS ICT Mind Map on Task 7 research essay, created by acherm on 31/03/2014.
Mind Map by acherm, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by acherm almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Task 7 research essay
  1. 1. Definition of what Electronic Information is + Intro to how it might be used
    1. info stored online, in databases or held by companies/organsiations
      1. Websites
        1. Company/retail
          1. entertainment
            1. companies collecting data
              1. Census
                1. Tax returns / child tax credits
                2. banking - transfer/paying for stuff
                3. Digital Divide
                  1. Evidence
                    1. Slide 16
                  2. 2. Use of electronic info in OUR LIVES MB1
                    1. Give examples Screenshots are good
                      1. Make sure that you use Slide 12 to help you
                        1. Pros and cons
                        2. 3. use of electronic info by SOCIETY - ways which we have not experienced MB2
                          1. Disabled people
                            1. Elderly/old
                              1. Give examples - screen shot are good
                                1. Slide 12
                                2. 4. Use of Electronic info by Businesses and Organisations - inc govt - local and national MB3
                                  1. Give examples
                                    1. Businesses
                                      1. use slide 14
                                      2. Government
                                        1. Local
                                          1. National
                                          2. Banking and Finance
                                            1. Transfers
                                              1. accountancy
                                              2. organisations
                                                1. Education
                                                  1. health
                                                    1. emergency services
                                                  2. 5. Consider why some people do not want access to OR cannot access electronic info MB3
                                                    1. Do not want access
                                                      1. Cannot access
                                                        1. Geographical reasons
                                                          1. Political reasons
                                                            1. Economic Reasons
                                                            2. Slide 17
                                                            3. 7. You must have Bibliography/sources document to score above MB1
                                                              1. 6. Conclusion to the report - draw conclusions on each the key sections
                                                                1. Slide
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                                                                Uses of ICT in education
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                                                                ICT In Education
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